Facebook Facts

We’ve chatted about it a bit before, How I would recommend picking a Social Media medium and using it well instead of doing 4-8 different mediums  and doing them all haphazard. Well, today, it looks like if you want to pick one-pick Facebook.  Check these interesting facts out:

Research by DDB Worldwide and Opinionway Research finds 84% of  typical Facebook fans of business’ and products are existing customers. Tip here is you are marketing to people who already like your brand! Treat them this way and You’ll win in the end. Treat them like people who don’t know or care about your brand and you’re missing the boat. What I’d do is give them free things, secret specials only found on Facebook, Announcements about new products coming out  just to these “favorite” fans, some sort of frequent Facebook Club, etc

Social Media Products Director of web analytics firm Webtrends Mr, Kistner says 51% of people in the US HAVE Facebook accounts, 8% have Twitter accounts and only 4 % have geo location accounts like Foursquare.  That’s some pretty big numbers for Facebook! I personally like to goof around with Foursquare to get the badges, but as a business, I would for sure go with Facebook first, then pick one or at the most 2 other mediums that fit my brand and goals and work with them on a secondary level. But for sure go for Facebook first and foremost and do it well!

Note:  Visits to company websites are almost all down over a year ago and of course visits to Facebook sites are up compared to a year ago.  Another reason FB is the place to do your social Marketing.  But, like we’ve said before if you’re a new or newer brand the best way to get your Facebook marketing working is to use traditional media like TV, Radio, magazine, Newspaper, billboards to reach out to the masses and bring them to your FB page.

And we’ll leave you with one last fact Facebook fact from Jack Neff- 117 Brands already have at least a MILLION fans! with 40 on pace to join the million mark this year!! Wowza!